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(A guide for members in their breeding, owning and/or exhibiting Löwchen)



In accepting membership in the Löwchen Club of America, each person agrees to abide by the precepts in this code of ethics. The members of the Löwchen Club of America should show a responsibility to the breed in their breeding, exhibiting, care and promotion of this breed. Membership in the LCA carries with it an obligation to abide by the conditions set forth in the constitution of the Löwchen Club of America as well as this code of ethics. They also agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club.


General practices:


Support the breed standard as approved by the American Kennel Club.


Exhibit good sportsmanship at all times:


A. If a disagreement or dispute arises; it will be handled privately and professionally between the parties involved.


B. Issues of dispute will be taken to the LCA board via the format stated in the constitution.


C. Refrain from making false or malicious criticism of a competitor's dog, owner or a judge. Any handler hired by an LCA member should be expected to abide by this also.


D. Respect the property of others including facilities used for dog events.


Agree to the following in the breeding of Löwchens:


A. Be fully familiar with the AKC standard and breed only to improve the breed.


B. Demonstrate honesty and fairness in the advertising and sale of all animals.


C. Use breeding stock of sound temperament with no known hereditary defects and free of parasites and communicable diseases. Testing for possible hereditary defects such as eye problems, hip and knee problems is strongly recommended. The results of this testing should be made available to the breed's health committee for the betterment of the breed. These results should also be made available to buyers and owners of animals that may use these dogs in a breeding program.


D. Make full use of AKC's "Limited Registration" in selling puppies with disqualifying faults or, in the breeders opinion, lacks the quality necessary for breeding.


E. Requiring and checking references of prospective buyers is strongly recommended. Educating buyers as to the care, grooming, activity level and training necessary for this breed is also recommended.


F. Use clear and concise contracts for the sale of any puppy or adult. Included in this contract, should be a provision that should the owner ever be unable to keep this dog, that they will notify the breeder first and never place this dog in an animal shelter or similar facility. The breeder should be prepared to reclaim this dog or provide for its re homing. Be clear and concise on warranties or guarantees.


G. In any rescue situation, the breeder agrees to take back immediately any Löwchen in the rescue that they have bred or pay a fee of $500 or actual expenses for rescuing their Löwchen, whichever is greater.


H. No member will knowingly sell or aid in the sale of any Löwchen to a pet shop, wholesale dealer or catalog house. They shall not wholesale litters under any circumstances. Nor shall they allow a Löwchen to be placed in an auction, raffle or giveaway or any other commercial means of distribution.


I. A breeder should be familiar with the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club governing record keeping, registrations and sale and/or transfer of dogs.


J. Provide instructions on the care, feeding and grooming of each Löwchen sold.


K. When breeding a bitch, a member should be confident that they have the facilities to properly raise the puppies and the time and knowledge to raise a mentally and physically healthy litter.


L. The Löwchen Club of America strongly recommends that a bitch not be bred before the age of 18 months and males used at stud no earlier than 9 months of age. They also recommend a brucellosis test be done on both the male and female before the breeding of that bitch.


M. In standing a dog at stud, an owner must provide honest records of that dog's health. They also should provide good care of visiting animals. They agree to sign the necessary papers for the resultant litter.


N. It is recommended that puppies not be placed in their new homes before the age of 8 weeks.



Revised October 1, 2009

©2024 Löwchen Club of America - All Rights Reserved  I  Designed by Diana Heathcote

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